Friday, September 8, 2017

Weekly Update

Hi Parents!

Sometimes short weeks feel like long weeks, but this one flew by.  I think the kids are settling into the year.  On the whole, I am quite pleased with how quickly they're picking up on classroom routines and procedures.  Staying focused during the afternoon has been a bit difficult, but I am hopeful that as the kids build stamina for a full school day, they will have an easier time staying on task.  

We will have our Patriot Day ceremony at the flag pole on Monday morning. We will honor those who lost their lives on September 11th, along with all service members and first responders who keep us safe.  It's never lost on me that for our kids, September 11th is part of history, but for those of us alive on that day...well, our hearts continue to weep at the memories.  Truly, we will never forget.

Here's your update for the week:

Please Subscribe to My Blog!
If you were directed to this post by a link in an email, please take a moment to subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the box to the right that says "follow by email".  You will receive a confirmation email to verify your subscription. Please clink the link in the email to verify your email address.  You will then receive an automatic notification each time I've published a message.  Please don't skip that important last step -- you MUST verify/confirm your email address to be subscribed. 

In a Million Words or Less, Tell Me About Your Child:
You may notice that I have not sent home a questionnaire entitled "Tell Me About Your Child".  This year, I would like to get to know your child through your eyes by having you tell me about your child in a million words or less!  I've completed this fun "parent homework" a few times for each of my boys.  Since I always appreciated the freedom it gave me to write freely about Savey and Jonah, rather than answer specific questions about them, I decided to give this a whirl in my class this year. So...I am asking you, please, to send me an email in the next couple of weeks in which you tell me about your child in a million words or less! (To send me an email, you can click the envelope in the yellow circle to the right of this post.)  Tell me what makes your child the most amazing kid in the world, tell me what drives you absolutely bonkers about your child, and anything in between you may want me to know about your baby.  I will keep all responses strictly confidential.  

Snack Reminder:
We have begun to eat our snack outside during our recess.  Thank you for sending your child with an easy "grab and go" item that can be taken outside.

Online Learning Resources:
In yesterday's Thursday folder, I sent home your child's log-in information for 3 of our most popular online learning resources...Dreambox Math, Reflex Math, and RAZ-Kids.  These programs allow your child to practice literacy and math skills from any computer, and most tablets.  For future reference, this log-in information is also listed in the "online resources" section of this blog.

Flexible Seating Update:
We have been practicing with our various forms of flexible seating.  It's time for us to put it all together, so next week, I will open several new seating areas in our classroom.  I'll post some pictures when I have the room arranged.  Please be sure to ask your child about our different types of seating.

Thursday Folders:
Please empty your child's Thursday folder each Thursday and return it to school on Fridays. I do reuse these folders each week.

Specials Reminder:

Please remember to send your child with sneakers for P.E. on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Library books are due back each Friday. 

Box Tops for Education:
Box Tops for Education are due Friday, September 15th.  I will send out a Remind on Thursday.  There are various incentives for collecting Box Tops, from popsicle parties to ice cream parties.  Please help our class earn some of these fun incentives by collecting and sending in Box Tops.

Volunteers needed!: 
I am in need of parent volunteers to help me stuff Thursday folders and prepare materials.  While our school does not have school-wide Thursday folders, I continue to use this communication tool.  It's super helpful to have a parent stuff the folders because I can't always get to it during the course of a Thursday.  I am also in need of parent volunteers to help me with copying and materials preparation.  If you can help stuff Thursday folders, please click HERE.  If you can help with copying and materials preparation anytime during the week, please send me an email.  

Important Dates:
Please check the "Important Dates" section of this blog for upcoming events.  I will highlight some events in my weekly update, but you can find a complete list in the "Important Dates" section.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will begin Book Shopping, which is the process of choosing just right books for our book boxes.
  • Writing:  We will practice Handwriting, emphasizing proper letter formation, and starting our letters at the top.
  • Math:  We will begin establishing the routines and procedures of Math Workshop as we focus on number sense, counting, ordering numbers, and comparing numbers.
  • Science / Social Studies:  We will talk about Patriot Day.  We will talk about what it means to be a scientist, and what scientists do.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Soccer starts in our house!  I am looking forward to watching my Savey play while soaking up the last days of summer. Jonah's birthday is next week, so we are starting the celebration early.  My mother's birthday is Sunday.  We will remember her on what would have been her 72nd birthday. 💜  

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