Friday, September 27, 2019

Weekly Update

Happy Friday!

We had a delightful week in Room 9, and we ended it on a high-note with a Den Rally!  Donuts with Dads was a success, and tomorrow is the Fall Festival!  It's a great time to be a Pinebrook Puma!

Just a few quick items for you...

Please Sign Up for a Conference!
Parent / Teacher conferences will be held at the end of the first quarter.  I am using Sign Up Genius to schedule conferences.  I sent the Sign Up Genius over Remind yesterday. You can also sign up for a conference time by clicking HERE.  If you are unable to attend a conference on one of the dates / times listed, please send me an email to make alternate arrangements. 

Scholastic News and Science Spin Money:
Please kindly remember to send Scholastic News and Science Spin money if you have not yet done so.  

1st Quarter Interim Progress Reports:
1st Quarter Interim Progress Reports ("interims") will be issued Wednesday, October 2nd.  If your child receives an interim, it will be emailed to you on Wednesday, October 2nd using the email address on file in your ParentVue account.  You can update and/or verify your email address by logging into your ParentVue account.  If you are unable to access your ParentVue account, please contact our school office.  (I'm sorry; I'm not able to help you with this - you must contact the office.)

Puma Olympics:
Our Puma Olympics will be held next Thursday afternoon.  Students will spend time outside participating in a variety of team-building and cooperative games. Please be sure your child comes to school dressed in comfortable clothes and athletic shoes / sneakers.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will learn good habits for solving hard words. 
  • Writing:  We will continue writing small moment stories.
  • Math:  We will begin our patterns and sorting unit.  We will identify and create growing and repeating patterns, pattern units, and patterns in our world. 
  • Social Studies:  We will talk about Christopher Columbus and Columbus Day.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  

We have a busy weekend planned with our exchange student, Erik.  We are going to The Great Inflatable Race tomorrow, and taking him to a baseball game.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned too!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

All About the DRA

Hi Everyone,

I've had many questions about reading, reading levels, and testing.  I touched on the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) at Back to School Night, but following is some information for you to reference regarding this assessment, which we administer to help determine your child's independent reading level.

We administer the DRA to all students in September and May, and to certain students in January.  The test is given to measure a student's independent reading level.  Our goal in September is for the students to come to us reading at a DRA Level 3.  Our goal in January is a Level 10.  Our goal in May is a DRA Level 16 or higher. DRA levels go up by 1's from 1-4, and then by 2's from 4-20, and then by 4's from 20 on.  So, the levels are:  1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32, etc.  I don't know why the levels skip count in this way, but they do!  

The DRA tests primarily for 3 things:  decoding, comprehension, and fluency. Decoding refers to whether the student accurately reads the words that are printed on the page, as opposed to saying words that aren't there. For example, if the word is "come" and the child reads it that way, he/she has correctly decoded the word because he/she said the word that is printed.  If he/she says "came", then he/she did not correctly decode the word.  Of course, the first step to reading is knowing the words on the page, therefore decoding is an essential skill assessed.

Next, the DRA tests comprehension...does the student understand what the story is about, as demonstrated by the ability to make predictions about the text and orally retell the story without looking back at the book?  We look for the student to retell the story with little to (ideally) no prompting by naming the major story events in sequence using characters' names, and by providing as much detail as possible.  Many people think that if their child correctly decodes the words in a book, the child can "read" the book, but of course we know that reading is not only decoding, but understanding what is read too! 

The DRA tests whether a child can make connections to the text.  Does the story remind the student of something that's happened in his/her life, something he/she has seen in the world, or of another book he/she has read?  Can the student identify the author's message or purpose for writing the story?

Finally, the DRA tests the child's fluency...his/her ability to orally read the story with appropriate phrasing and expression, and attention to punctuation.

If you would like to know the DRA level of a particular book, you can go to the following website:

This Scholastic Book Wizard will tell you the DRA level of almost any book out there.  Just be sure to click the circle next to "DRA" above the white box in which you type the title of the book, otherwise you will get the reading level for other leveling systems.  Scholastic has an app you can download that does this same thing.

Please know that none of this information is meant to overwhelm you; instead, I believe we can work together more effectively when we all know this information.  The skills we assess using the DRA are ALL the skills we already practice (or will be practicing) in school, and are the same skills you will practice (or may already be practicing) at home.  The DRA language in this e-mail is simply a more formal presentation of all the skills the students are already (or will be) practicing! can you help?  READ, READ, READ,!!!!  READ EVERYDAY, NOT JUST ON SCHOOL DAYS!!!!!  Read to your child, read with your child, have your child read independently!  If you are in a time crunch and must choose between our paper homework and reading, PLEASE ALWAYS CHOOSE READING!!!  Have your child read out loud to you to practice fluency, and have your child retell the book to you using the characters' names and as many details as possible.  Talk about favorite parts, making connections, the author's message, and what would happen if the story extended beyond the last page.  I can not overstate the importance of this, and you will most likely get plain old "sick and tired" of hearing me say it!  

Barring changes to LCPS policy, your child will take the DRA all the way through 5th grade.  Please keep this e-mail for future reference, and please let me know if you have any questions!  I have read and reread it, and hope it makes sense, but it's early and my coffee cup is empty!  

Finally, and most importantly, please know that your kids are amazing, smart, wonderful 1st graders.  Thank you for all you do to support their individual learning, and our classroom as a whole!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Weekly Update

Hi Everyone!

It's been so refreshing to have some cooler weather with sunshine!  I hope your spirit has been renewed by the change in the weather too.

I have just a few things to tell you this week...

Scholastic News and Science Spin Money:
If you have not yet sent your child's Scholastic News and Science Spin subscription fee, please kindly do so as soon as possible.  The cost is $8.  You may send a check made payable to Scholastic, or you may send cash.  

Fall Literacy Testing:
Our Fall literacy screenings are underway.  I am administering both the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) and the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) to each student.  I've received several questions about the DRA, and will send an overview of this assessment to you in the middle of next week.  I look forward to discussing the results of your child's assessments at our Fall Conference in October.

Donuts with Dads:
The PTA is hosting a "Donuts with Dads" on Friday, September 27th from 7:00 - 7:30 am at school.  All dads and kids are welcome.  To ensure there are enough doughnuts for everyone in attendance, please complete the Donuts with Dads RSVP form found on the Pinebrook homepage.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will talk about good reader habits. We will talk about rereading to smooth out our voices, scooping up words in phrases, and giving reminders to our reading partners.
  • Writing:  We will learn about editing marks and practice editing our writing.
  • Math:  We will finish our number sense unit.
  • Science:  We will learn about apples and the life cycle of an apple.
  • Social Studies:  Throughout first grade, we will talk about various Famous Americans, and their contributions to our country.  Next week, we will talk about John Chapman, also known as "Johnny Appleseed".
As always, I welcome your feedback.  Please let me know if you have any questions!  

Enjoy your weekend!  

Friday, September 13, 2019

Weekly Update

Hi Everyone!

I hope you've had a fantastic week!  I'm starting to see little personalities emerge as the kids become more comfortable with me, and with each other.  This is when I can really start to build a relationship with them, connect with them, and see our class environment take shape.  It makes me happy.  :)

Here's your weekly update:

Please Subscribe to My Blog!
If you were directed to this post by a link in an email, please take a moment to subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the box to the right that says "follow by email".  You will receive a confirmation email to verify your subscription. Please clink the link in the email to verify your email address.  You will then receive an automatic notification each time I've published a message.  Please don't skip that important last step -- you MUST verify/confirm your email address to be subscribed.  ***Please note:  At the end of September, I will no longer send an email to notify you of content on the blog.  You must be subscribed to receive classroom news and updates.*** 

Please Sign Up for My Remind!
If you haven't yet signed up for my Remind text messaging service, please do so by downloading the Remind app and joining my class.  After you download the Remind app, click "join a class" and enter my class code:  @jlombardo.  I send many messages and pictures via Remind.  Please don't miss out and please let me know if you have any questions!

Homework Starts Next Week:
Homework will begin on Monday.  A few notes about homework:
  • I will send a homework packet home on Mondays.  It will be due back on Fridays.
  • Homework will follow the same formula each week, to afford your student/family flexibility in planning and completion of homework. There is a suggested assignment for each night, but your child can complete the homework pages in any order and in any timeframe, as long as the homework packet comes back on Fridays. 
  • Nightly reading will continue to be part of homework. 
  • We will 5 "Words of the Week" that are practiced each week as part of homework.  The Words of the Week come from the 1st Grade Sight Word List I previously sent home.  If you need another copy, please let me know.  The words will be written on the right side of your child's agenda, and listed on the right side of this blog.
  • We will have a spelling test each Friday on that week's Words of the Week.  
Ice Cream:
As a general rule, ice cream will now be available for sale on Fridays in the cafeteria. Your child may buy ice cream to eat with a school lunch, or to eat with a packed lunch.  I don't ask the kids if they are buying ice cream on Fridays; I expect them to know whether they have permission to purchase ice cream.

Library Books:
Please help your child remember his/her Library books each Monday.  

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will begin our first Reader's Workshop unit by learning the routines and procedures of Reader's Workshop.
  • Writing:  We will begin our first Writer's Workshop unit by learning the routines and procedures of Writer's Workshop.
  • Phonics:  We will begin our first Phonics unit by exploring our names, and the spelling patterns we see in them. 
  • Math:  We will continue learning the routines and procedures of Math Workshop as we finish our number sense and counting unit.
  • Science:  We will talk about the 4 seasons, earth's rotation on its axis and around the sun, and why we have day and night.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!  

It's going to be a busy weekend!  Jonah turns 14 tomorrow, and Savey starts work for the season at Cox Farms.  He is usually stationed at top of Dino Slide, so be sure to say hello if you're there!  We have an exchange student coming from Germany for 2 weeks, so we are making our final preparations for his arrival too.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Weekly Update

Hi Parents!

Short weeks sometimes feel like long weeks, but this week flew by.  I think the kids are settling into the year.  On the whole, I am quite pleased with how quickly they're picking up on classroom routines and procedures.  Staying focused during the afternoon has been a bit difficult, but I am hopeful that as the kids build stamina for a full school day, they will have an easier time staying on task.  

We will have our Patriot Day ceremony at the flag pole on Wednesday morning. We will honor those who lost their lives on September 11th, along with all service members and first responders who keep us safe.  It's never lost on me that for our kids, September 11th is part of history, but for those of us alive on that day...well, our hearts continue to weep at the memories.  Truly, we will never forget.

Here's your update for the week:

Please Subscribe to My Blog!
If you were directed to this post by a link in an email, please take a moment to subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the box to the right that says "follow by email".  You will receive a confirmation email to verify your subscription. Please clink the link in the email to verify your email address.  You will then receive an automatic notification each time I've published a message. Please don't skip that important last step -- you MUST verify/confirm your email address to be subscribed. 

Please Sign Up for My Remind!
If you haven't yet signed up for my Remind text messaging service, please do so by downloading the Remind app and joining my class.  After you download the Remind app, click "join a class" and enter my class code:  @jlombardo.  I send many messages and pictures via Remind.  Please don't miss out and please let me know if you have any questions!

Room Parent Needed:
I am still in need of at least one Room Parent to help coordinate and plan our yearly parties and events.  If you can help with this, please email me.  You will be guided through the year by our PTA Room Parent Coordinator, beginning on Wednesday, September 11th with a Room Parent and Volunteer Welcome Coffee at 8:35 am in the Pinebrook cafe. 

Homework Update:
Homework will begin on September 16th.  To both afford families flexibility and to facilitate time management, homework will follow a predictable pattern.  Each week, your child will receive a homework packet on Mondays.  The completed packet will be due back to school no later than Friday.  Each week students will practice writing our 5 words of the week, and complete some math and/or literacy practice.  Nightly reading will continue as a homework requirement.  

Substitute Update:
LCPS has implemented a new literacy training program for all teachers.  These half-day trainings take place during the school day, which means I will be out of the classroom for half the day on select dates throughout the year.  To afford consistency and predictability in our classroom routines, Mrs. Ryan will most often be in to substitute for me.  If you hear the kids talk about her, please reinforce the idea that our classroom routines, procedures, and behavior expectations are the same, no matter who is the teacher.  Many thanks! :)

Thursday Folders:
Please empty your child's Thursday folder each Thursday and return it to school on Fridays. I do reuse these folders each week.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will begin Book Shopping, which is the process of choosing just right books for our book boxes.
  • Writing:  We will talk about types of sentences, learn about our Super Star Spelling Dictionaries, and discuss how writers edit their writing.
  • Math:  We will begin establishing the routines and procedures of Math Workshop as we focus on number sense, counting, ordering numbers, and comparing numbers.
  • Science / Social Studies:  We will talk about the meaning of Patriot Day.  We will define and discuss the 5 senses.  We will learn about the 4 seasons.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Savey is enjoying his last weekend of freedom before he begins working at the Cox Farms Fall Festival.  Jonah's birthday is next week, so we are starting to prepare for our celebration.  My mother's birthday is Tuesday.  We will remember her this weekend on what would have been her 74th birthday. 💜