Friday, June 7, 2019

Final Weekly Message


We made it.

173 days.  
173 days of learning, laughing, and growing.  
173 days of my spending more waking hours with your child than you.  
173 days of my learning their quirks, anticipating their actions, and guiding their minds.  
173 days of your trusting me to love, honor, and respect your unique, wonderful, creative, amazing child.  
173 days of the kids showing up with open hearts and willing spirits, ready to absorb whatever I sent their way.

And so.  

We made it.  

Running, walking, limping, or crawling...we made it.

In an infinite number of ways, teaching is like parenting.  It's a study in delayed gratification.  On day 1, no one knows how to make a lunch choice.  On day 173, I could leave the classroom for an hour and the place would run like clockwork.  I look at the kids and I can't even believe what YOU and I and THE KIDS have created TOGETHER.  Wow.  Just wow.

Thank you for sharing your child with me.  These kids have been a joy.  This group of bright, funny, engaging, inquisitive, kind, respectful children is taking quite a piece of my heart today.  I like to think some of them are leaving a little piece of theirs too.

Please don't let this be our goodbye.  Feel free to reach out to me at anytime in any way for any reason.  Check with parents who've had a child in my class in past years. You'll discover these are not empty words. 

With Love and Appreciation (and many tears on my keyboard),