Friday, October 13, 2017

Weekly Update

Hi Everyone,

It's been a short but busy week!  

In honor of Fire Safety Week, our very own firefighter Mr. Zumwalt came to speak to all the 1st graders about fire safety today.  We are so thankful for his willingness to come speak with us!  Please ask your child about our visit with Mr. Zumwalt today!  :)

My son, Savey, is in the Educators Rising Club at Champe.  As part of the club, he'll be coming to Pinebrook with me each Tuesday morning to spend an hour in our class before going to his school.  The kids are really enjoying him, and he's having a ball with them.  Here's a photo of him answering their questions on his first day. Savey has a real heart for little ones.  He's going to love his time as our tutor!

We will complete an in-class pumpkin investigation.  Each child will need his/her own small pumpkin.  I sent a note home about this in yesterday's Thursday folder.  Please send your child's small pumpkin to school by Friday, October 20th.  Please write your child's name on the bottom of his/her pumpkin.

Next Week is Spirit Week:
We will have a Spirit Week next week to raise awareness for bully prevention.  Themes for each day are:

  • Monday:  Mismatch Day
  • Tuesday: Dress Like a Superhero Day
  • Wednesday:  Inside Out Day
  • Thursday:  Wear 2 Different Shoes Day
  • Friday:  Pinebrook Colors or Spirit Wear Day

Fall Conferences:
Thank you to those of you who have signed up for a Parent/Teacher Conference.  If you have not yet signed up for your conference, please click HERE to sign up.  

Fall Party:
Please mark your calendar for our Fall party on Tuesday, October 31st from 1 - 2:15 pm in our classroom.  All families are welcome to attend!  (NO costumes, please.)  I will send a food permission slip home before the party.  Your child must have your written permission to eat any party food   Our awesome team of Room Moms and I thank you for your donations. Your funds will be put to good use, as the ladies plan for our class celebrations.  :)

Extra Clothes:
Because first graders are still prone to bathroom accidents and playground slips, please consider tucking an extra set of clothing (to include underclothes) into your child's backpack.  I will not collect and store the clothes in our classroom.  The extra set of clothing will simply sit at the bottom of your child's backpack until it may be needed.  Thank you!

Water Bottles:
If you're not already doing so, please begin to send a water bottle to school each day with your child.  We do NOT have an in-class water fountain.  The kids get tired and thirsty over the course of our long morning, and water goes a long way toward helping them stay energetic and attentive.  

Looking for Gently Used iPads:
As we approach the Holidays, some of you may be upgrading your technology. Please consider donating your unused/discarded iPad to our classroom.  We use iPads during both Literacy and Math stations for a variety of activities.  The iPads don't have to be the fanciest or the newest models; any size or model will do.  You can reset the iPad to factory settings to erase any personal information and/or data. Thank you!

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will explore setting in the books we read.  The setting is where a story takes place.  We will identify settings, and talk about how settings can enhance stories.
  • Writing:  We will explore opinion writing.  We will compare and contrast apples and pumpkins.
  • Math:  We will begin our patterns and sorting unit.  You can help!  Look for patterns in our everyday world, identify the pattern unit (the part of the pattern that repeats), and ask your child to label the patterns using the letters A,B,C, and so on.
  • Science:  We will learn the parts and life cycles of both apples and pumpkins.
After last weekend's homecoming festivities, I am thankful for a quiet weekend. Here's a photo of Savey and me just before he was introduced at the Homecoming game last Friday.  I simply cannot believe this handsome young man is my son!  :) 

Reach out at anytime with questions, comments, and feedback!

Have a happy weekend!

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