Thursday, August 29, 2019

Weekly Update

Happy Thursday (that feels like Friday), Everyone!

We made it to Thursday!  I wonder if the kids are as tired as me?  While I try to make the first weeks fun and interesting, there are times when rules and procedures are downright boring.  I have to talk a lot, and the kids have to be quite attentive.  As such, the kids really learned the nuts and bolts of our classroom this week.  Next week we'll refine some procedures, and add a few details to the procedures learned this week.  We'll continue to get to know each other as we build our classroom community.  On that note, I am impressed and thankful with how beautifully the kids are getting along.  They're including each other during recess, introducing themselves to each other, and are a very social bunch.  :)

Here's some important information for you to know.  Please read through to the end.  It's a lot this first time around.....

Please Subscribe to My Blog!
If you were directed to this post by a link in an email, please take a moment to subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the box to the right that says "follow by email".  You will receive a confirmation email to verify your subscription. Please clink the link in the email to verify your email address.  You will then receive an automatic notification each time I've published a message. Please don't skip that important last step -- you MUST verify/confirm your email address to be subscribed.

Please Sign Up for My Remind!
If you haven't yet signed up for my Remind text messaging service, please do so by downloading the Remind app and joining my class.  After you download the Remind app, click "join a class" and enter my class code:  @jlombardo.  I send many messages and pictures via Remind.  Please don't miss out and please let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday Folders:
Your child has his/her first Thursday folder today.  Please empty it completely and send it back to school on Tuesday.  I DO reuse these throughout the year.  Thank you!

Online Learning Resources:
In today's Thursday folder, I sent home the log-on information for RAZ-Kids and Dreambox math.  There are detailed letters included to help you get your child started too.  I also placed the log-on information in the front clear pocket on the inside cover of your child's agenda.  (I sent a picture on Remind yesterday to illustrate this.)  Your child should regularly log-on to these learning platforms to get extra practice with reading and math.  I am able to adjust your child's reading level in RAZ, but I am not able to adjust his/her level on Dreambox math.  If you think your child's RAZ level is too difficult or too easy, please email me to discuss.  **Please note - I will send log-on information for Reflex math at your request.  Since Reflex is not recommended for students younger than 2nd grade, I am not building an entire class profile.  If you would like log-on information for your child, please email me and I will send it home.**

Room Parent Needed:
I am in need of at least one Room Parent to help coordinate and plan our yearly parties and events.  If you can help with this, please email me.  You will be guided through the year by our PTA Room Parent Coordinator. 

Please be sure to send a nut-free snack with your child each day. Please do not send dips, sauces, or other liquids for snack.  Please do not send snack cakes with cream or frosting. Please do not send snacks that require utensils to eat.  These things spill and smear easily on our classroom carpet and on our learning materials.  If your child bring any of these items for snack, I will ask him/her to save that snack for the cafeteria.  Pretzels, goldfish, fruit, snack bars, and raw veggies (no dip, please) make great snacks.   

Water Bottles:
First graders are a thirsty bunch.  Please feel free to send a water bottle to school with your child each day.  Please send a reusable bottle.  Please do NOT send water bottles with twist off tops for classroom use...the kids have a very difficult time getting the caps on straight and those bottles typically spill.

Ice Cream:
Please ensure your child knows whether he/she may buy ice cream in the cafeteria on Fridays.  To avoid confusion in the cafeteria, I do expect the kids to know this when they come to school.  Thank you!

Class Directory:
I included a draft copy of the class directory in today's Thursday folder.  If your information is missing (and you'd like it included) and/or incorrect, please contact me and I will add/update your information before sending out a final copy.  

Specials Schedule:
I sent a paper copy of the Specials Schedule home in your child's Open House folder.  However, to recap, our Specials Schedule is as follows:
  • Monday:  SEARCH / Library
  • Tuesday:  Computer Lab or Guidance / P.E.
  • Wednesday:  Music and P.E.
  • Thursday:  Music and P.E.
  • Friday:  Art
Please note that this schedule is also posted on the right side of this blog. 

Our lunch time is from 11:04-11:34.  You are welcome to eat lunch with your child any day, and you may bring your child lunch purchased from a restaurant (think places like Subway, Panera, or Chick-fil-A). If you'd like to eat lunch with your child, please sign in at the school office and meet us at the cafeteria at 1. Please plan to say goodbye to your child in the cafeteria at the end of our lunch period as our instructional day resumes right after lunch.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will talk about how to use our classroom library, and procedures and expectations for Independent Reading.
  • Writing:  We will complete our Fall Writing Sample.  I will introduce our Work on Writing journals.
  • Math:  We will continue our number sense unit.  We will count by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's, explore the concepts of odd and even, and compare and order numbers.
  • Social Studies:  We will continue building our classroom community as we explore the qualities of a good citizen in our school, our community, and our world.
  • Science:  We will talk about the definition of science and what scientists do.
Okay.  I think that's everything on my list, but I apologize in advance if I've forgotten something. Please let me know if you  have any questions, comments, or concerns.  

Savey is headed to YoungLife camp to volunteer for the weekend.  Leo, Jonah, and I are going to try and find some adventure closer to home, spend time outside, and catch up on sleep!  Enjoy the long weekend!  We've all earned it!

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