Friday, September 16, 2016

Weekly Update

Hi Everyone!

Many thanks to those of you able to attend Back to School Night!  If you were unable to attend, please check your child's backpack today for the information I distributed.  The day after Back to School Night, I always feel like we have officially settled into our year.  All of our Back to School events are finished, the supplies are in, the paperwork is in...and it's time to look forward!  Here's to a year of growing readers!

Meantime, here's your weekly update:

Please Subscribe to My Blog!
If you were directed to this post by a link in an email, please take a moment to subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the box to the right that says "follow by email".  You will receive a confirmation email to verify your subscription. Please clink the link in the email to verify your email address.  You will then receive an automatic notification each time I've published a message.  Please don't skip that important last step -- you MUST verify/confirm your email address to be subscribed.  ***Please note:  At the end of September, I will no longer send an email to notify you of content on the blog.  You must be subscribed to receive classroom news and updates.***

Please Sign Up for a Conference!
Parent / Teacher conferences will be held at the end of the first quarter.  I am using Sign Up Genius to schedule conferences.  You can sign up for a conference time by clicking HERE.  If you are unable to attend a conference on one of the dates / times listed, please send me an email to make alternate arrangements. 

Sound of the Week:
Next week, we will begin Sound of the Week.  Each week, we'll work in school to focus on a specific sound and the correct way to spell the sound when doing written work, or in recognizing that spelling when reading a tricky word.  Some children are very successful in learning and correctly using this information.  For others, it's an important exposure to a sound and spelling pattern they'll become comfortable with in the future.  Each week, your child will glue some information into his/her agenda about our sound of the week.  While there is no formal homework related to sound of the week, I encourage you to look for the spelling pattern when reading, and to help your child apply it in his/her writing. We'll begin next week with the short vowels, and progress to long vowels from there.  

RAZ-Kids and Dreambox Learning:
RAZ-Kids and Dreambox Learning are web-based programs that allow your child to practice reading (on RAZ-Kids) and math (on Dreambox Learning).  The programs are self-paced, can be done anywhere, and are designed to meet your child at his / her level of academic readiness.  The rosters for these programs must be updated every school year.  I am in the process of assembling my class roster, and verifying the students' user names and passwords for these programs.  Access to these programs may not be available for the next week to 10 days as I finish this process.  I will communicate the log-on information to you as soon as I finish.  ***Please note:  If your child used either RAZ-Kids or Dreambox Learning last year, I am transferring your child's account to my class.  He/she will NOT lose any progress made on either of these programs.  Your child's user name or password may change, but progress will NOT be lost.

First Grade Math Night:
Please mark your calendar for our First Grade Family Math Night on Wednesday, October 5th from 6-7 pm in the Pinebrook cafeteria.  Come to play some fun math games, and leave with instructions for how to play at home.  Siblings welcome!

Box Tops for Education:
Once again, our school will be collecting Box Tops for Education.  This year, any class that collects at least 1,000 Box Tops will earn a popsicle party!  Please help our class earn a popsicle party by clipping those Box Tops!  The first collection is Friday, September 23rd.

Library Books:
Please help your child remember his/her Library books each Tuesday.  

Wear Black Monday:
Sunday is Mr. Thiessen's birthday.  It's a big one.  We are having a little fun at school by wearing black on Monday.  Please help your child wear something black to school Monday.  

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will talk about making predictions when we read.
  • Writing:  We will continue learning the routines and procedures of Writer's Workshop as we explore the idea that "writing is just telling on paper".
  • Math:  We will continue learning the routines and procedures of Math Workshop as we explore number sense and counting.
  • Science:  We will answer the question:  What Is a Scientist?
  • Social Studies:  We will learn about Johnny Appleseed.
I hope you have a relaxing weekend and can enjoy the cooler weather.  Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!  

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