Hi Parents!
Hooray for cooler weather! Hooray for rain! Hooray for coffee, which pairs perfectly with cooler weather and rain!
I finished administering the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) to the kids this week. Can I just say? WOW! Based on where these amazing readers are starting, the sky is the limit by June! With ALL beginning-of-the-year testing finished, I can finally say......Let's get this 1st grade party started! :)
Here's your weekly update...
I'm Writing a Blog Mini Series Next Week!
Next week, we'll study the various decoding strategies good readers use when they come to "tricky" words. I will write a short post each day, in which I explain the strategy highlighted in school that day. My goal is for you to have useful tools when helping your child read tricky words at home. If you and I are employing the same language and the same "helping strategies", your kiddo's reading will just take off! Here's a preview of the strategy I'll highlight each day:
I'm excited about this! Our entire Pinebrook team is always looking for ways to connect our instruction at school with what you're doing at home. I look forward to your feedback about this "mini series"! :)
Homework Begins Next Week:
On Monday, your child will receive his/her first written homework packet. Actually, it's just one sheet of paper, but for some reason, I'm in the habit of calling it a "packet" and don't see myself changing! What can I say? I. Am. Old. (womp, womp) Anyhow, in an effort to make homework both meaningful and manageable, our 1st grade homework will be the same every week. Students will be required to read (as usual) each night. Students will be required to practice writing our weekly sight words one night. This means the only change to your child's existing homework routine is the addition of written homework (the sight word practice) one night each week. You choose the night that works best for your family's schedule! Homework packets will go home on Monday and are due back on Friday. There's a much more detailed explanation about homework on the homework packet itself. Please read through it Monday and let me know if you have any questions. For those of you looking for a little something "more", please refer to the "online resources" page of this blog for some extra practice and enrichment ideas. *Please note that your child will write our weekly sight words in his/her agenda each Monday. I will also post the sight words on my blog -- look to the right under my picture.
Scholastic Book Fair:
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held at school next week. Students previewed the Book Fair on Friday. Students who bring money may shop at the Book Fair next week during recess. If your child plans to bring money for the Book Fair, please send the money in a sealed envelope marked with your child's name, my name, and "Book Fair" on the outside of the envelope. If you would like to attend the Book Fair to shop with your child, our Family Shopping Night will be Tuesday from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. *Please note: Book Fair purchases are optional.Hooray for cooler weather! Hooray for rain! Hooray for coffee, which pairs perfectly with cooler weather and rain!
I finished administering the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) to the kids this week. Can I just say? WOW! Based on where these amazing readers are starting, the sky is the limit by June! With ALL beginning-of-the-year testing finished, I can finally say......Let's get this 1st grade party started! :)
Here's your weekly update...
I'm Writing a Blog Mini Series Next Week!
Next week, we'll study the various decoding strategies good readers use when they come to "tricky" words. I will write a short post each day, in which I explain the strategy highlighted in school that day. My goal is for you to have useful tools when helping your child read tricky words at home. If you and I are employing the same language and the same "helping strategies", your kiddo's reading will just take off! Here's a preview of the strategy I'll highlight each day:
- Monday: Think about the story. Check the picture!
- Tuesday: Look for chunks you know!
- Wednesday: Look at the first letter. Get your mouth ready!
- Thursday: Look at the last letter. Does it make sense?
- Friday: Skip the tricky word, read on, and come back!
I'm excited about this! Our entire Pinebrook team is always looking for ways to connect our instruction at school with what you're doing at home. I look forward to your feedback about this "mini series"! :)
Homework Begins Next Week:
On Monday, your child will receive his/her first written homework packet. Actually, it's just one sheet of paper, but for some reason, I'm in the habit of calling it a "packet" and don't see myself changing! What can I say? I. Am. Old. (womp, womp) Anyhow, in an effort to make homework both meaningful and manageable, our 1st grade homework will be the same every week. Students will be required to read (as usual) each night. Students will be required to practice writing our weekly sight words one night. This means the only change to your child's existing homework routine is the addition of written homework (the sight word practice) one night each week. You choose the night that works best for your family's schedule! Homework packets will go home on Monday and are due back on Friday. There's a much more detailed explanation about homework on the homework packet itself. Please read through it Monday and let me know if you have any questions. For those of you looking for a little something "more", please refer to the "online resources" page of this blog for some extra practice and enrichment ideas. *Please note that your child will write our weekly sight words in his/her agenda each Monday. I will also post the sight words on my blog -- look to the right under my picture.
Scholastic Book Fair:
First Grade Math Night:
First Grade Family Math Night is next Wednesday, October 5th from 6-7 pm in the Pinebrook cafeteria. Come to play some fun math games, and leave with instructions for how to play at home. Siblings welcome!
Shoe Tying!
Please help keep your child, our classroom, and our school safe by helping your child practice tying his/her shoes. 5 Puma Paws to any student who can demonstrate the ability to independently tie his/her shoes! (Students may demonstrate during recess!)
Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
Shoe Tying!
Please help keep your child, our classroom, and our school safe by helping your child practice tying his/her shoes. 5 Puma Paws to any student who can demonstrate the ability to independently tie his/her shoes! (Students may demonstrate during recess!)
Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
- Reading: We will begin to learn the many decoding strategies good readers use when they encounter tricky words.
- Writing: We will continue learning the routines and procedures of Writer's Workshop as we explore the idea that "writing is just telling on paper".
- Math: We will finish our first math unit about number sense, counting, and comparing and ordering numbers.
- Science: We will talk about the relationship between the Earth, Sun, and Moon.
- Social Studies: We will talk about Fire Safety.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
I hope to see you tomorrow at the Fall Festival! Jonah and I will be there. My husband, Leo, and my 13-year old, Savey, will be there if Savey's soccer game finishes in time.