Friday, October 5, 2018

Weekly Update

Hi Everyone,

Before we start our long weekend, I'm passing along your weekly update.  Thank you for your patience with my updates in reading to the end.  I know you're busy, and I appreciate the time you take to stay informed about what's happening in our classroom.

Our Awesome Room Moms!
Mrs. Donahue, Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Rashid have volunteered to be our Room Moms and help coordinate class parties and events.  On behalf of these wonderful ladies, I sent home both a letter and food/photo permission slip in yesterday's Thursday folder.  Please kindly return the signed permission slip, along with your class fee donation, no later than Friday, October 12th.

We will complete an in-class pumpkin investigation.  Each child will need his/her own small pumpkin.  (These pumpkins are often called "pie size" in the store; they are similar in size to the ones the kids get for free when they leave the Cox Farms Fall Festival.)  I sent a note home about this in yesterday's Thursday folder.  Please send your child's small pumpkin to school by Monday, October 15th. Please write your child's name on the bottom of his/her pumpkin.

Mark Your Calendar for Our Fall Party!
Our Fall Party will be held on Wednesday, October 31st at 1:30pm in our classroom.  All families are welcome to attend.  Please watch for more details from our Room Moms soon.  Please note that students are not allowed to wear costumes to school on Halloween, but fun Halloween themed shirts and/or orange and black clothing are welcomed. 

Please Sign Up for a Conference!
Parent / Teacher conferences will be held at the end of the first quarter.  I am using Sign Up Genius to schedule conferences.  You can sign up for a conference time by clicking HERE.  If you are unable to attend a conference on one of the dates / times listed, please send me an email to make alternate arrangements.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will talk about ways reading partners support each other in their reading.
  • Writing:  We will discuss ways in which writers organize their writing.
  • Math:  We will complete a quick little unit on estimation and magnitude, in which we discuss reasonable quantities among 3 numbers.
  • Social Studies:  We will learn about American Symbols and their meanings, specifically the American Flag, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, the Bald Eagle, the White House, the Capitol, and Mount Rushmore.
  • Science:  We will have a fire safety visit from the Loudoun County Fire & Rescue Department.
Please reach out with questions, comments, or feedback.

I hope you enjoy the long weekend!  Savey works all weekend, but he and Jonah are heading to Fields of Fear at Cox Farms tonight.  I am shopping for outfits for a family photo next weekend and attending a ladies brunch at church tomorrow. I also have lots of pumpkin recipes to bake and many new books to read.  Cheers!

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