Friday, September 15, 2017

Weekly Update

Hi Everyone!

We've had a fantastic week!  I'm starting to see little personalities emerge as the kids become more comfortable with me, and with each other.  This is when I can really start to build a relationship with them, connect with them, and see our class environment take shape.  It makes me happy.  :)

Meantime, have you noticed the trees changing?  Do you operate on the rhythm of the seasons too? Fall means warm blankets, lots of candles, snuggles on the couch, and dreaming of the coming Holidays.  That makes me happy too.  :)

Here's your weekly update:

Please Subscribe to My Blog!
If you were directed to this post by a link in an email, please take a moment to subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the box to the right that says "follow by email".  You will receive a confirmation email to verify your subscription. Please clink the link in the email to verify your email address.  You will then receive an automatic notification each time I've published a message.  Please don't skip that important last step -- you MUST verify/confirm your email address to be subscribed.  ***Please note:  At the end of September, I will no longer send an email to notify you of content on the blog.  You must be subscribed to receive classroom news and updates.*** 

Will You Help Us Expand Our Flexible Seating?:
Our flexible seating has been an absolute hit.  It's counterintuitive to think that a classroom can be calmer, quieter, and more productive with kids on the floor, at the wobble stools, and on the stability balls, but...I'm here to tell you it is!  The kids are repeatedly telling me that they just love the wobble stools (called "Hokki stools") and stability balls.  I would like to acquire more of these flexible seating options, so I have created a crowd funding project with an organization called Donors Choose, which is specifically for teachers trying to raise funds for various classroom projects and needs.  I used Donors Choose to raise funds for some of our other flexible seating supplies, but because the cost of the Hokki stools and stability balls can add up quickly, and because my husband and I invested significantly for the remainder of our supplies, I am once again turning to Donors Choose for help.  Please will you consider donating to my project to bring more flexible seating to our classroom? You can click HERE to view my project and make a tax-deductible donation.  Your employer may even match your donation!  Thank you so much for considering this request.   

Schedule Update (Take 2!):
We are changing our schedule again...hopefully for the last time.  I am moving math to the morning and moving recess back, to just after lunch.  There've been some changes in our school's master schedule, which have necessitated changes in some classroom schedules.  We will still have snack in the morning, and I will build in some extra brain breaks to keep the kids energized and engaged.

Ice Cream:
As a general rule, ice cream will now be available for sale on Fridays in the cafeteria. Your child may buy ice cream to go with a school lunch, or to go with a packed lunch.  I do expect the kids to know whether they have permission to purchase ice cream.

Library Books:
Please help your child remember his/her Library books each Friday.  

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will begin learning the routines and procedures of Reader's Workshop.
  • Writing:  We will continue handwriting practice, emphasizing proper letter formation and starting letters at the top.
  • Math:  We will continue learning the routines and procedures of Math Workshop as we explore number sense and counting.
  • Science:  We will talk about our 5 senses.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!  

I hope you have a relaxing weekend.  After a crazy week, I am so pleased that we have nothing on our schedule other than the, errands, church.

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