Sunday, October 9, 2016

Please Sign Up for My Remind!

Hi Everyone,

I'm checking in on a Sunday to let you know that I am going to start using a new communication tool called "Remind".  Some of you are already familiar with this tool.  My older son, Savey, is in 8th grade.  All of his Mercer teachers use Remind, and as a parent, I've found it to be both super convenient and super easy.  It occurred to me I can use it as a teacher too!  :)

Remind is a messaging service which allows me to send you a short, quick group text message any time of the day.  It works with iOS and Android platforms, and it works on multiple devices (phones, computers, tablets).  I plan to use it for messages such as "Don't forget tomorrow is PJ day!" or "Box Tops and Labels for Education are due tomorrow"...quick and easy things where a text is faster for me to send and faster for you to read!  You can download the Remind app for "Remind" in the app store; the icon is a blue background with a white cloud that looks like a speech bubble or a thought bubble. 

When you sign up for my Remind class, you are added to my contact group.  I am the only person who sees your information; members of the group cannot see each other's names, phone numbers, etc. If I send a message to which you reply, I am the only person who sees your response.  When you sign up for my Remind, you can choose whether to receive the messages as a text or as an email. Personally, I receive messages as texts and recommend this delivery method.  When your child leaves my class at the end of the school year, you can remove yourself from my Remind class.

To join my Remind class, please click this link.  You'll need to provide your name and phone number:

You can also join my Remind class by texting @jlombardo to 81010.

Please let your child know when you've joined.  I'll give 5 Puma Paws to any kiddo with a parent who joins my Remind.

While I've been using Remind for quite a while as a parent, it's new for me as a teacher.  I apologize in advance for any hiccups as I get this going, and I thank you for your patience with me!

Please let me know if you have any questions.  I hope you're enjoying the long weekend!  Tell the kids hello for me!

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