Friday, April 28, 2017

Weekly Update

Hi Parents!

We had a beautiful picnic today!  The sun was shining, we ate outside, and played too.  Please ask your child about it!

Reading, Reading, and Reading!
As the days grow longer and the sunshine beckons, please be sure your child is reading everyday (even on weekends!), practicing retelling stories, and talking about what he/she is reading.  Our end of year benchmark testing will begin next week, so we are in the critical home stretch of practicing our good reader strategies!

Quarter 3 Report Cards:
Quarter 3 report cards went home Wednesday.  If you haven't done so, please review the report card, sign the slip at the bottom of the last page, detach the slip, and return it in the report card envelope.  (We do reuse the report card envelopes!)

American Symbols Performance: 
We hope you will join us for our American Symbols performance on Tuesday, May 23rd at 6:30 pm in the gym at school.  I already sent your child's speaking part home.  Please ensure your child is practicing saying his/her speaking part from memory.  Please encourage your child to practice using a clear, confident voice.

Save the Date for Our Poet's Tea:
Mark your calendar!  Our Poet's Tea will be Friday, May 26th from 9:45 - 10:30 am in our classroom.   All families are welcome.  This is the culminating activity for our current writing unit (Poetry), and one of my favorite events of the entire year!  The students will share their poems, and I will serve light refreshments. More details to follow.

Guest Readers Welcome:
If you would like to be a guest reader in our class during May, please send me an email.  Our guest reader time will be from 10:15 am - 10:30 am (right before lunch). Dates are flexible.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will examine fiction stories with circular structures.  These are stories that end and start with the same event.  (For example...If You Give a Mouse a Cookie)
  • Writing:  We will continue our Poetry Unit.  We will edit our writing for capitalization, punctuation, mechanics, and proper sight word spelling.
  • Math:  We will continue our Money unit.  We are practicing counting groups of coins, and we are learning about coin equivalencies.  You can help!  Have your child practice counting groups of coins at home.  Say an amount of money less than $1.00, and have your child practice showing that amount in different ways.
  • Social Studies:  We will begin preparing for our 1st Grade American Symbols performance by learning about famous American symbols, such as the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Statue of Liberty, American Flag, bald eagle, and more.
Please reach out with comments, questions, or feedback.  :)

I am going on a retreat this weekend, and am looking forward to some quiet soul-searching. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!  

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Our Picnic is Tomorrow!

Hi Parents,

The weather looks beautiful for a picnic tomorrow, so the students will have their Marble Jar reward tomorrow, and we will enjoy our lunch outside.  Your child may bring a blanket or towel to sit on during lunch.  If your child would like to buy lunch tomorrow, that's fine!  Buyers will purchase lunch in the cafeteria before we head outside. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Weekly Update

Hi Parents,

I hope you enjoyed Spring Break!  The kids had many stories to share about their adventures, both traveling and at home.  I love this time of year.  The kids have completely settled into our 1st grade life, and they are so confident in our classroom, around our school, and in their academic abilities.  Teaching (like parenting) is an exercise in delayed gratification.  It's the time of year when I look around the classroom, remember how far we've come since the first day, and think, "Wow.  Just wow."  And then....I cry.   hahahaha!!!!  (You knew that was coming, right?)   Here's what I have for you this week...

End of Year Literacy Testing:
Our end-of-year testing is right around the corner!  To prepare for this critical time, please ensure your child is reading every night (weekends too!).  Your child should read a story out loud to practice fluency and expression.  After reading, he/she should retell the story in order using characters' names and providing as many details as possible.  Your child should practice identifying his/her favorite part of the story, making connections to the text, and stating the author's message (what does the author want us to learn from this story?).  Please see your child's weekly homework paper for a more detailed explanation of nightly reading.

We Filled the Marble Jar!
With lots of ready, responsible, and respectful choices, the kids have once again filled our class marble jar!  They chose a picnic for their reward, so I am watching the weather for a good picnic day.  I'm hoping to have our picnic next week (maybe Wednesday?); please watch for a message (both here and on Remind) about our picnic day.

Quarter 3 Report Cards:
Quarter 3 report cards will go home Wednesday, April 26th.  Please look for your child's report card in the front pocket of his/her homework folder.  Please review the report card, sign the slip at the bottom of the last page, detach the slip, and return it in the report card envelope.  (We do reuse the report card envelopes!)

Take Your Child to Work Day:
Take Your Child to Work Day is Thursday, April 27th.  If your child will be accompanying you to work, please let the office know by filing an online absence excuse form.  Click HERE to access the form.  

Save the Date for Our Poet's Tea:
Mark your calendar!  Our Poet's Tea will be Friday, May 26th from 9:45 - 10:30 am in our classroom.   All families are welcome.  This is the culminating activity for our current writing unit (Poetry), and one of my favorite events of the entire year!  More details to follow.

Spring Pictures:
I sent home your child's individual Spring pictures on Monday.  A friendly reminder that you must purchase the pictures you'd like to keep.  You may purchase any or all of the picture sheets by following the instructions included in the envelope.  There is no obligation to buy.  Please return any unwanted pictures. 

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will examine the sequence of events in fiction stories.
  • Writing:  We will continue our Poetry Unit.  We will edit our writing for capitalization, punctuation, mechanics, and proper sight word spelling.
  • Math:  We will continue our Money unit.  We are practicing counting groups of coins, and we are learning about coin equivalencies.  You can help!  Have your child practice counting groups of coins at home.  Say an amount of money less than $1.00, and have your child practice showing that amount in different ways.
  • Science:  We will finish talking about Earth Day, the importance of conserving our natural resources, and the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling.
Please reach out with questions, comments, or feedback.  As we head into our last quarter together, I look forward to a strong finish to our school year, and remain ever grateful for the support you continue to offer the kids and me.

Enjoy your weekend!  We have soccer, a furniture delivery, dinner with friends, a birthday party, church activities, and more.  We are busy and blessed!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Important Information About Pictures!

Hi Parents!

Your child has his/her Spring pictures today.  Please read the following important information about what to do with these pictures.  I am copying and pasting this information directly from our school office....

1.       All students who took a spring picture should be receiving a package of individual pictures.     Parents must decide if they want the all or a partial set of pictures and then pay for them.  They may pay online by following the directions on the picture packet or they may send in a check (made check out to Lifetouch).  There is a portrait ID and Access Code located inside the picture packet. 
      2.       Parents do not have to pay for the pictures but they must return any unwanted pictures.

      Please be sure to send back any unwanted photos.  

      It was great to see everyone today!  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Weekly Update

Hello, Hello!  

Happy Spring Break!  We made it!  We ended our week by making our "Spring Break Bucket List" reading incentives, and watching the Champe High School Drama Department perform Cinderella.  As we head into some rest and relaxation, I have many important things to share...

End of Year Literacy Testing:
I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I am...Our end-of-year literacy testing will begin in May.  This means we are at the most critical part of our entire instructional year, as we make our final push toward our testing dates.  Please, please, please (how many times am I allowed to type please before you roll your eyes?) be sure your child is reading every day...weekends included.  Your child should read out loud to practice decoding and fluency, and then practice retelling the story in sequence using characters' names and providing as many details as possible.  Ask your child to make a connection to the story.  Ask about the author's message...What is the author trying to teach us in the story?  Ask your child to identify his/her favorite part and state why.  I truly cannot overstate the importance of your child not only reading everyday, but discussing what he/she read!  

Practicing Our Math Facts:
To better prepare for second grade, and to work toward the goal of fluency with math facts, we will begin timed addition and subtraction tests in the 4th quarter. Once per week, I will give the students a math facts page with 50 problems. Students will have 5 minutes to complete the page.  Students who miss (either by a wrong answer or by not answering) 3 or more problems will repeat the same test the next week.  Students who miss 2 or less problems will move to the next level the next week.  Students will start with addition, and move to subtraction from there.  

How to Incorporate Reading and Math Practice into Everyday:
Please use your child's electronic device to reenforce critical math and literacy skills! I know they each have a device, or at least have access to one.  Require your child to use any combination of the following apps before playing any games on his/her device, or on your device.  We use these in class, so they already know how to use these programs. It's just as easy to use these apps as it is to play a game.  I promise I practice what I preach... at 11 and 13, our boys are (still!) required to do "something" before they use their devices for gaming.  
  1. Log onto RAZ Kids or Download the RAZ Kids app...If access to books is difficult, download the RAZ-Kids app for free.  Your child can log into his/her RAZ Kids account to read just right books.  You can also use the web-based version of RAZ-Kids by going to  We use RAZ-Kids in our classroom.  *See the Online Resources section of this blog for log on instructions.*
  2. Log onto Reflex Math or Download the Reflex Math app...Your child can practice math fact fluency by logging into his/her Reflex Math account.  You can also download the Reflex Math app, and your child can log into his/her account there.  Reflex Math will be required homework in second grade, so now is a great time to begin regular use.  We have used this program in the Computer Lab at school.  The kids know what to do.  *See the Online Resources section of this blog for log on instructions.*
  3. Download the Timed Test app...There are 3 versions:  Timed Test Free, Timed Test ($0.99), and Timed Test Arcade ($1.99).  (Download whichever suits your budget.)  We use Timed Test (the $0.99 version) on our classroom iPads.  You can start with addition only, subtraction only, or a mix of problems.  You choose how many problems, and the allotted time.  At school, I have each child set up with his/her own account.  When they log on, they complete one Timed Test that matches the parameters of our weekly in-class tests...50 problems with a 5 minute time limit.  I can view their tests, their progress, and adjust their levels right on the iPad.  I highly encourage you to download any version of this app. After downloading, the app will walk you through inputting users and setting the test parameters.  I did this for all 23 of my students in about an hour, which means it will take you minutes to do it for just one child.  Once finished, I promise your kiddo will know what to do!  
Flat Student Update:
Our Flat Students have left to explore the world!  If your child did not bring in an address or stamps to mail his/her Flat Student, I sent all the materials home.  You may choose whether to mail your child's Flat Student.

Wilson and Ditch = LEARNING FUN!
In our study of the USA, I found a really fun program on PBS Kids called "Digging America."  In this program, 2 gophers are brothers named Wilson and Ditch.  They travel America learning about many of our national symbols and historic landmarks. They are cartoon characters superimposed over actual footage of the place they're exploring.  We watched Wilson and Ditch travel to Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell, and to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore.  The kids absolutely LOVED these 2 goofy gophers, and keep asking to watch more.  Wilson and Ditch talk in a fun accent and act generally silly, all while teaching about the place they're visiting.  You can find them online at or on the PBS Kids app.  :)

Focus Areas for the Week of April 17th - April 21st:
  • Reading:  We will learn about similes.  Similes are a comparison of 2 things using the words "like" or "as".  For example..."A first grader is as busy as a bee." Our study of similes will help us as we begin our Poetry unit.
  • Writing:  We will begin our Poetry unit.  We will look at objects with our Poet's Eye, learn about line breaks, listen for the music in our poems, and learn about various types of poems.  We will focus on editing our poems for mechanics, punctuation, and proper sight word spelling.
  • Math:  We will begin our Money unit.  We will explore features of coins, learn about coin equivalencies, and practice counting groups of coins.  If you have not sent your child's bag of coins, please do so on Monday, April 17th.  Students will need coins that day.
  • Social Studies:  We will learn about our great state of Virginia...its capital, climate, people, and symbols.
Please reach out with comments, questions, or concerns.  I am excited about our 4th quarter together! Happy Spring Break, and for those of you celebrating...Happy Easter!